
3D Library / Grouped Rooms

Grouped Kids' Rooms

Grouped Rooms / Kids' Rooms


Chief Architect

Project Description

Kids' Rooms Catalog. Pre-configured kids' room designs can be placed in a plan to quickly illustrate a space. Unblock to modify components to suit your design. See the full collection:


Price: Free


Date Uploaded: 06/21/12
Last Updated: 05/22/23
Likes: 348
Downloads: 101504
File Type: .CALIBZ
Compatible With: Chief Architect Premier
Chief Architect Interiors
Home Designer Pro
Home Designer Interiors
Home Designer Suite
Home Designer Architectural
Versions: X9 / 2018 (22.07 MB)
X10 / 2019 (22.07 MB)
X11 / 2020 (22.07 MB)
X12 / 2021 (22.07 MB)
X13 / 2022 (22.07 MB)
X14 / 2023 (22.07 MB)
X15 / 2024 (23.89 MB)
X16 / 2025 (23.89 MB)