The information in this article applies to:
How do I create an 'L' shaped structure with automatic gable ends?
A reverse gable, sometimes called an opposing gable, is perpendicular to the main gable roof. A reverse gable can join the main roof anywhere along the main roof. In this example, it joins the main roof at one end.
To build a reverse gable roof
- Select Build> Wall> Straight Exterior Wall
from the menu, then click and drag to draw the walls for your L-shaped structure in a clockwise fashion.

- Extend the baseline wall through the bump-out of the L.

- Select the wall with Select Objects
and then on the Edit toolbar, choose the Add Break
edit tool. Click to place a break in the wall where the baseline wall meets the gable.

- For each of the wall segments that need to be a gable, select the wall, then click the Open Object
tool on the Edit toolbar.
- On the Roof panel of the Wall Specification dialog that displays, select Full Gable Wall, then click OK.
- Pull the baseline wall's end back to its original location.

- Select Build> Roof> Build Roof
from the menu to open the Build Roof dialog.
If Auto Rebuild Roofs is enabled, this step, along with the next step (Step 8) are not necessary.
- Check the Build Roof Planes box, then click OK to build the roof.

- Select 3D> Create Perspective View> Perspective Full Overview
from the menu to see the results.