Room Planner Help

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5. Creating Camera Views | 7. Customizing Finish Materials

6. Chief Architect® Sojourn®

Sojourn® is an innovative set of features that uses your device’s built-in tools and Chief Architect®’s patented technology to bring the real world into your Room Planner experience.

Sojourn®'s tools are available in 3D Room View and can be used in combination with the thumbsticks and standard gestures like panning to create three distinct Experience Modes.

Sojourn® Experience Modes

Chief Architect® Sojourn® lets you explore your Room Planner projects in new and innovative ways.

To make the most of Sojourn®, three-finger swipe upward or downward to enter Glass View. In Glass View, the top and bottom menu bars, Sojourn® tool buttons, and thumbsticks are hidden from view. Tap within the region of the thumbsticks to make them temporarily available for use; they will disappear again a few seconds after you stop using them. To exit Glass View, simply three-finger swipe once more.

The Sojourn® tools can be used independently, or in combination to create three distinct Experience Modes:


Hold your device in front of you with both hands and begin walking. Tilt or rotate your device to look around your design as you walk through it.

You can specify a Step Length by tapping the Settings button and selecting Views.

Walk Through Model supports forward motion only: if you’d like to back up, use the thumbsticks or simply turn around and walk forward.

NOTE: Your experience will be enhanced if you hold the device in landscape orientation, with the Home button on the right.


Use the Move thumbstick to fly through your model. Tilt or rotate your device to change the flight direction.



Use the Move thumbstick to navigate through your design. Use your device's orientation or the Rotate thumbstick to look around your design as you navigate.

CAUTION: Always take extreme care when interacting with your mobile device while walking. Always be aware of your surroundings. Walk Through Model should be used in an open space free of obstructions, holes, ledges, traffic, or irregular walking surfaces.

5. Creating Camera Views | 7. Customizing Finish Materials