Both imperial and metric units can be displayed for dimensions by utilizing the Primary and Secondary Format options.
Select View> Temporary Dimensions if this tool has been toggled off to reenable it. There are some situations where temporary dimensions will not display, such as if the objects are not parallel/perpendicular to each other.
By default, railings and deck railings have the 'No Locate' setting checked, which prevents Auto Exterior Dimensions from locating these objects.
Cabinet elevations can easily be created using the Elevation and Dimension tools. In Chief Architect Premier, you can also create a CAD Detail From View and trim unnecessary lines using the Trim Objects tool.
By default, a wall’s Main Layer is also its Wall Dimension Layer. You can, however, specify a different Wall Dimension Layer in the Wall Type Definitions dialog.
Adjust what dimensions locate, such as walls, cabinets, fixtures, openings, etc, by modifying the dimension defaults.
The display of dimensions is too small when zoomed out. To make the display bigger and easier to read adjust the settings in Preferences.
Although dimensions display as you are drawing, you do not need to position walls precisely when you first draw them. Move them into place precisely after they have been drawn using dimensions. Make sure to go in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction around the entire structure until all exterior walls are set correctly in order to ensure you do not accidentally undo your previous changes.
Default Sets are collections of Saved Defaults that allow you to quickly switch the Active Defaults for all of the following text-based objects at once, as well as the Layer Set and Current CAD Layer: Dimensions, Rich Text, Text, Revision Clouds, Callouts, Markers, Notes, and Arrows.
Use a supported DISTO™ measuring device to enter real world measurements into a Chief Architect plan file.
The NKBA Auto Dimension tools have been merged into the Auto Dimension tools to add more flexibility and customization to Kitchen and Bath dimension functionality. To create automatic dimensions that follow NKBA standards in a plan created using an X14 or newer version template, use the 'Kitchen and Bath Dimension Defaults' in unison with the Auto Dimension tools. If you migrate a plan or template created in a prior version into X14, a new Dimension Default called 'Legacy NKBA Dimension Defaults' will be created.
While most objects have one Defaults dialog that controls its initial properties and the layer it's drawn on, a variety of text-based objects have multiple Saved Defaults, allowing you to set them up for more than one requirement or task.