A collection of CAD elements can be blocked together and added to the Library Browser for use in future plans.
If you do not find a specific custom font on a particular computer, you can install it.
A Text Style is a saved set of attributes that can be assigned to any object that displays text, including object labels
There are a number of ways to approximate the look of tables in Chief Architect, including using the CAD tools to create boxes, lines, and Rich Text.
Chief Architect's insert macro menu, allows you to insert special characters into your notes and text, such as the degree symbol.
Text can be copied to and from Chief Architect using the Copy and Paste tools and/or the associated shortcut keyboard commands for Copy and Paste.
In Chief Architect, text character height is specified in plan inches.
The Living Area label can be moved or deleted. To restore a Living Area label, access the General Plan Defaults or perform a Plan Check.
Arrows can be added to text using the Leader Line tool, the Text Line with Arrow tool, the Add an Arrow setting, or the Add Text Line with Arrow edit tool.
It is not possible to use .shx fonts in Chief Architect, these fonts are used exclusively by AutoCAD. Chief Architect can make use of .TTF fonts, and .FON fonts.
Room information such as dimensions, standard room area and internal room area can be added to a plan by using macros.
There are a variety of ways to create 3D signage for your plans using objects such as polyline solids, 3D molding polylines, and symbols from the Library.
Default Sets are collections of Saved Defaults that allow you to quickly switch the Active Defaults for all of the following text-based objects at once, as well as the Layer Set and Current CAD Layer: Dimensions, Rich Text, Text, Revision Clouds, Callouts, Markers, Notes, and Arrows.
A Text Style is a saved set of attributes that can be assigned to any object that displays text, including as Text, Callouts, Markers, Dimensions, Schedules, CAD objects, and object labels.
By default, many text macros are setup to simply display the raw, unrounded results of the calculation they perform, but you can easily modify the macro to round down to the nearest value of your choosing.
Adding hyperlinks to text can easily be done in Chief Architect, though the process may differ depending on the tool and version you're using.
While most objects have one Defaults dialog that controls its initial properties and the layer it's drawn on, a variety of text-based objects have multiple Saved Defaults, allowing you to set them up for more than one requirement or task.