How to Choose an Interior Designer

by Kerry Hansen
Interior Designers understand the client’s needs, lifestyle, and design style. They are architects for interiors, designing all aspects of additions and renovations in addition to creating a cohesive look through the fabric, furniture, and color selections. Is there something about your space that makes life difficult? Designers can bring functionality to an otherwise clumsy or problematic area of the home.
Deciding to update your interior is an exciting time! It can also be overwhelming. Finding the right interior designer is the key to enjoying the process and its outcome. Here are five tips for finding a designer perfect for you, your home, and your style.
(more…)Rendering Tips and Tricks

Chief Academy has come and gone, and we are left with the notes from the information we shared. I was tasked with the opportunity to provide some thoughts on the rendering functions of Chief Architect and how to go about the process. I’ve condensed my PowerPoint slides and reformulated them for reference in this post. I hope you find some helpful pieces in your rendering journey!
This will be a high-level topic that explores a lot of moving parts. Follow the embedded links throughout to learn more about different topics.
(more…)Winners of the April-May Remodeling & Additions Design Contest

by Kerry Hansen
Join us in congratulating the April-May Remodel & Addition Design Contest winners!
(more…)Best Practices for Entering to Win a Home Design Contest

Each month we receive a great selection of renderings created by our users for the Chief Architect Design Contests. We’d like to share some ideas and suggestions for how you can craft a great design contest entry that Facebook voters respond positively to. These techniques can be applied when entering a Chief Architect Design Contest, or any other home design contest you might be considering. Let’s get started!
One of the best, and most obvious, aspects of a great design contest entry is a nice rendering. However, it’s also important to supplement the rendering with a well-written description along with your contact information; this is a perfect chance to show off your skills and share your story! We then recommend sharing the post on your own social media channels for the best exposure, we’ll get to this part in a bit.
(more…)Winners of the 2021 Design of the Year Contest

Congratulations to the Chief Architect Design of the Year Winners!
(more…)DIY Kitchen Remodeling with 3D Home Design Software

by Kerry Hansen
Dan and his family wanted to remodel their kitchen. They turned to Chief Architect to visualize the design and help with material selection.
When the time came for a kitchen upgrade, Dan Absalonson, a 3D artist on the Chief Architect content team, used Chief Architect’s flexible cabinetry features and the wide range of objects and materials available in the 3D Library. Together with his wife Kadi, they set their sights on a kitchen remodel. The tile and grout countertop on the island is what brought them to remodel. “My wife was not a fan.” With a budget set, the couple brainstormed all of the updates they could make to enhance the look and usability of their kitchen. “We got excited about replacing the laminate countertops and adding some new full height cabinets at the end of the kitchen as a pantry.” The previous owners had a large desk there, and as it was, the kitchen ended abruptly. The space felt empty and awkward. Dan and Kadi decided to paint the cabinets, replace the countertops, expand the island, add full-height cabinets, install new fixtures, and incorporate a few other touches.
(more…)Winning Designs – August’s Remodel/Additions Design Contest

There were many great designs in the August Remodel/Additions Design Contest. Help us in congratulating the winners!
(more…)Design of the Year Contest Winners

Congratulations to our Chief Architect Design of the Year winners!
(more…)Winning Designs – August’s Remodel/Addition Design Contest

From adding completely new accommodations, to breathing fresh life into outdated designs, we’ve had some outstanding entries in the August Remodel/Addition Design contest. Join us in congratulating the finalists on their award-winning designs!